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  • We are looking to see if there is interest in a youth judo camp. Judo Camp starting on Thursday, December 26 to Sunday, December 30. We still have spaces.

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    As a martial art there can be some concern as to injury.  A survey of the medical literature though shows that for children judo is one of the safer sports they can practice.The table below is built from data in the two cited studies below.  A little math done to make the numbers per 100[...]

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    Sensei Os shared a good video on why to train in Judo from Neil Adams Effective FightingSeven Reasons to Train in Judo

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    Monday June 11th to June 15th 2018Place: Judo Jujitsu Madison 6713 Odana Rd #5 Madison, WI 53719Drop off - 8:00 to 8:30am Pickup Time - 4:30-5pm Cost $120Head Coach - Sensei Os. Millan8th degree black belt, International Coach and RefereeRequirement of USJA, USJF, or USJI [...]

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    We are offering a four week intro to judo classes for kids.This offer will includes:Membership to the school, new member fee waived. No contract commitment A judo uniform for the studentAll this for only $80Come try our family friendly Dojo and introduce your children to one [...]

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    Come train with a 2020 Olympic hopeful.  Come learn from a world class judo competitor.Saturday March 10, 2018 USJA Sanctioned#1 in the US at 78 Kg. scheduled to compete in Peru in March at the Pan-Ams, upon medaling she’ll qualify for the Grand Prix 2017 represented USA in Cadet [...]

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    Reading about judo on the internet I found an article at judoinfo.com (link below) that I think talks very well about why Judo for kids is great.  While I’ll summarize some main points but you should follow the link and read the whole article. Self-Defense - being able to defend yourself. [...]

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    Ashi - Foot Dojo - Practice hall Ko - Small or Minor O - Big or Major Rei - Bow Te - Hand Matte - Stop Hajime - Start or Begin Gi - Judo uniform Sensei - Teacher

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